“Word Problems are boring” and “I don’t want to do MORE word problems” are phrases I used to hear often in my upper elementary classroom. Have you heard them in yours before? This is when I knew I needed to find new activities for my students to practice word problems that were engaging and still challenged them.
Let me introduce you to one of mine AND my student’s favorite word problem activities: Word Problem Sorts. Word problem sorts are a hands on activity that not only has your students practice solving word problems, but it helps them to identify the correct operation for the word problem, too.

Check out 5 Ways I Used Word Problem Sorts in My Upper Elementary Classroom:
#1 Partner Activity: Student centered and collaborative activities are my favorite! This activity is perfect for this. Have students work with a partner to sort the task cards on the board and then let them work together to explain why they sorted and solve a couple problems. This will help your students learn from one another!
#2 Math Rotation or Center: This is a great math rotation activity because students can do it over multiple days in your math rotations or centers. On the 1st day, have them sort the task cards and explain why they put the task cards where they did. On the 2nd day, have them solve a couple task cards in each category. Don’t get rid of it after students use it! Make sure you save it to pull out for review later in the year. Read about that in the next idea.

#3 Review for Previously Taught Skills: Word problem sorts are a great activity to pull out during review time or when you are noticing students need some review on specific math operations. This can be used for a review center, review partner activity or review before your end of the year test. In the picture above, you can see how I store my math sorts in manilla envelopes to make it easy to pull out when it is time for review.
#4 Check-in Activity: Want to know if your students really understand how to identify math operations and solve word problems? This is a great way to check-in on that without having to give your students a quiz or exit ticket. If you want to see each students understanding, you can let students sort the task cards together, and then have them do the page where they explain how they sorted and the page that they solve the problems on their own. There is even a digital version that you can use to make it easy to check. Your students won’t even know that this is a check-in!
#5 Additional Practice At Home: I love finding hand’s on activities to send home when a student needs a little extra practice with a skill or just some extra word problem practice. You know how some people send home book bags? The best part is that your students will be excited to take this home and practice with their family! Then, they bring it back and you can send it home with another student. TIP: Laminate the sort page and task cards to make it easy to use again and again to send home.
Which idea do you want to try in your classroom first? I would love to help you get started! I have created Word Problem Sort Sets for 3rd and 4th grade students that are ready for you to print and use immediately. Click the button below to check them out today! Make sure you check back periodically because I plan to continue adding more word problem sorts to my store.